What's On Moreton Bay | Backing On Bush | Mount Glorious

Backing On Bush | Mount Glorious

August 31st at 10:00am
Free Entry

Backing Onto Bush workshops are a half-day session for peri-urban and rural residential landholders to learn about fire ecology and what keeps the bush healthy.

This half-day session includes:

  • An in-classroom general bushfire safety and preparedness discussion.
  • An interactive bushwalk and talk.

Walk away from the workshop with the ability to:

  • Observe the health of your local environment.
  • Identify vegetation types and key habitat.
  • Understand fuel loads.
  • Recognise fire history.
  • Monitor vegetation and wildlife.
  • Follow regulations for your area.

Please come prepared for the bushwalk and talk! Make sure you have:

  • Closed in shoes.
  • Long pants, long sleeves.
  • Reusable water bottle.
  • Hat.
  • Sunscreen.
  • Rain jacket (if necessary).
  • Catering and supporting material will be provided for all participants.

To register click here - https://hlw.org.au/portfolio/b...

This is a free workshop.

For more information, contact Hannah Etchells from the Queensland Fire & Biodiversity Consortium on hannah.e@hlw.org.au or 0447 189 765.

The event is being delivered in partnership with City of Moreton Bay and supported by the Queensland Fire & Biodiversity Consortium.

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